12 reasons to laugh this month
Nancy Jo Perdue Nancy Jo Perdue

12 reasons to laugh this month

Despite the continued chaos that coats the planet, May is still a merry month that calls for fun and frolic. Here are 15 jokes to help you laugh your way through the month, creating change one laugh at a time.

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15 Reasons to Laugh Through the Month of May
Nancy Jo Perdue Nancy Jo Perdue

15 Reasons to Laugh Through the Month of May

Despite the continued chaos that coats the planet, May is still a merry month that calls for fun and frolic. Here are 15 jokes to help you laugh your way through the month, creating change one laugh at a time.

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5 Ways Dinosaurs Keep Us Young and Safe from Flying Monkeys
Nancy Jo Perdue Nancy Jo Perdue

5 Ways Dinosaurs Keep Us Young and Safe from Flying Monkeys

Some things never get old. These things include dinosaurs and flying monkeys. Unfortunately, people are not among those things. Yep, ageism is alive and well among humans. Otherwise, we wouldn’t need the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). We also wouldn’t need the federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act.

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5 Reasons to Take One Daylight Savings Step Forward and Two Backwards
Nancy Jo Perdue Nancy Jo Perdue

5 Reasons to Take One Daylight Savings Step Forward and Two Backwards

It doesn’t do any good to let time get the best of you.  But if it does, and you’re seeking relief from losing an hour of sleep tonight, you are in the right place.  We’ll give you some distraction to make better use of your time – except for the hour you will be giving up if Daylight Savings Time is implemented where you live.

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10 Examples of How March Madness Can Keep You Laughing
Nancy Jo Perdue Nancy Jo Perdue

10 Examples of How March Madness Can Keep You Laughing

While March is known as the month of Madness, the first two months of 2023 have been chaotic for a lot of people. I can’t help you with the chaos, but I can introduce you to a concept that releases stress, lowers blood pressure and releases endorphins. That concept is called laughter.

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5 Unusual Types of Traffic Laws Adopted to Save Your Life
Nancy Jo Perdue Nancy Jo Perdue

5 Unusual Types of Traffic Laws Adopted to Save Your Life

There are times when you may be driving illegally without knowing it. The Vintage Vixen is here to help you stay safe through awareness – particularly when it involves some obscure traffic rules that could cause an accident or result in your getting a citation or being tossed in the slammer.

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5 Tips to Avoid Being Afraid of Your Fear
Nancy Jo Perdue Nancy Jo Perdue

5 Tips to Avoid Being Afraid of Your Fear

You should totally get over this one. Shine your brilliance on yourself. Practice a little self-love. And give yourself permission to play and have fun. Go for the gusto and the zest.

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5 Ways AI Doesn’t Like AI
Nancy Jo Perdue Nancy Jo Perdue

5 Ways AI Doesn’t Like AI

If we choose to believe statistics, more than half of the people reading this suffer from a condition called FOMO, which stands for the Fear of Missing Out. You have a 56 percent chance of being one of them.

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10 silly jokes to make you laugh this month
Nancy Jo Perdue Nancy Jo Perdue

10 silly jokes to make you laugh this month

Scientists have proven that laughter lowers blood pressure, relieves pain and releases endorphins. Laughter is light energy that helps you raise your mood and energetic vibration. So here are 10 silly jokes I wrote to assist you in having a better week.

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3 Reasons to Check Out Speculative Fiction
Nancy Jo Perdue Nancy Jo Perdue

3 Reasons to Check Out Speculative Fiction

The Vintage Vixen is grateful for the opportunity to take you into the world of speculative fiction and fanfiction.  While I’ve been an avid reader all my life, this genre is foreign – but fun – for me.  Now you can learn all about this genre and why fans find it so intriguing.

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5 Reasons to Take the Con Out of Contests
Nancy Jo Perdue Nancy Jo Perdue

5 Reasons to Take the Con Out of Contests

Life on Earth is extremely competitive. Each day, we compete for parking places. We compete for jobs. We compete with our siblings. We compete for winning lotto tickets and congressional contests. We also compete against ourselves.

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Will Friday the 13th Be Superstitious, Simply Super or Just Friday?
Nancy Jo Perdue Nancy Jo Perdue

Will Friday the 13th Be Superstitious, Simply Super or Just Friday?

Are you afraid of Friday the 13th?  Does the number 13 give you heebie jeebies?  If so, you are not alone.  There are a lot of people on the planet who get anxious about the number 13.  There are others who believe that number is spiritual and filled with blessings.  Some of these folks are famous.

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10 Reasons to Laugh Through January
Nancy Jo Perdue Nancy Jo Perdue

10 Reasons to Laugh Through January

To kick off 2023 as a Happy New Year, it’s important to remember to laugh your way to a better you.  Laughter has health benefits.  A few things it does is release endorphins, relieve stress and lower blood pressure. Here are 10 examples to help you raise your vibe with laughter.

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