5 Reasons to Let Your Inner Jack Out of the Box
Nancy Jo Perdue Nancy Jo Perdue

5 Reasons to Let Your Inner Jack Out of the Box

I’m still fascinated by the Jack in the Box toy. One reason I love them is because they remind me of life. People are like those clowns. Our existence is squandered and diminished as we get pushed into a box. Sometimes we keep ourselves there as we wait for someone in the outside world to come along, crank the handle and let us pop out with pizazz.

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5 Benefits of Being Crowned Okra Queen
Nancy Jo Perdue Nancy Jo Perdue

5 Benefits of Being Crowned Okra Queen

I’m all about wanting people to stand in their power by not putting others on pedestals. I don’t believe in asking people to bow down to me or any other human. But some of y’all might want to practice your curtsies. You too, ladies!

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5 Reasons Living a Fairy Tale Is More Honest Than the Status Quo
Nancy Jo Perdue Nancy Jo Perdue

5 Reasons Living a Fairy Tale Is More Honest Than the Status Quo

Online marketing gurus tell me I’ll start to be an effective blogger after I learn to create problems just for you. My directions are to create a problem for you and then write a sob story, one in which you are headed for doom unless you allow me – a comedy writer of all people – to save your day.

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