10 Reasons to Laugh Through January

To kick off 2023 as a Happy New Year, it’s important to remember to laugh your way to a better you.  Laughter has health benefits.  A few things it does is release endorphins, relieve stress and lower blood pressure.


My monthly gift to my email newsletter subscribers is a monthly laugh-a-day-calendar, featuring 31 original jokes.  Here are 10 examples to help you raise your vibes with laughter, which is just one reason you can benefit from subscribing.


#1  On January 1, 45 B.C., the Julian calendar was first used.  People were still late for their luncheon dates because instead of using an app to automate their appointments, they used hieroglyphics.


#2  On January 2, 1890, the first Rose Bowl Parade was held.  It cost a lot of money, so to offset the cost producers kicked around ideas.  In 1902, they held the first Rose Bowl football game because they wanted to call in trained kickers.


#3  January 2 is World Introvert Day.  I hope you don’t have big plans to celebrate because most events are not open to the public.


#4  January 2 is International Stop Spam Day.  I think I’m going to celebrate by sending a can of Spam luncheon meat to all the strangers who keep sending me unsolicited marketing emails after I opt out.


#5  I believe that whoever started Run Up the Flagpole to See If Anyone Salutes Day on January 2 got this all wrong.  It should be Run Up the Flagpole to See How Long It Takes to Get Arrested Day.


#6  In January 1981, Ronald Reagan became the oldest person to become the U.S. President.  He was 69.  He held the record until January 2020 when Joe Biden was sworn in at the of 78, proving every crowd has to have a high achiever.


#7  January 3 is National Fruitcake Toss Day.  I’m celebrating big time starting with tossing out my ex-husband.


#8  On January 4, 1790, President George Washington delivered the first State of the Union Address.  To divert public attention to the fact he owned almost 300 slaves, he confessed to chopping down a cherry tree, setting precedence for conspiracy theories.


#9  January 5 is National Bird Day.  I thought that was every day I drive on the Hollywood freeway, at least that’s what people flying by tell me in sign language with a limited vocabulary.


#10  On January 6, 1975, the television show “Wheel of Fortune” premiered.  Writers got excited because they thought it would result in taking the free out of freelancing, enabling them to sell copy by the vowel.


To get a full month’s worth of jokes for January, click here and fill out the subscription form.  Each month you will receive a calendar, two newsletters, an opportunity to be featured in the Community Spotlight and possibly an invitation to write a guest blog. 


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