10 Affirmations to Remind Yourself that ChatGPT Does Not Write Better Than You
Have you been urged to jump on the ChatGPT wagon? Are you afraid of being left behind if you don’t? If so, you are not alone. In fact, I had four lengthy conversations this week as to why I refuse to let ChatGPT write for me.
My friend who wanted me to help her think of something clever for marketing copy mentioned her son recently used ChatGPT to write his report for school.
“It only took him 30 minutes to do the assignment,” my friend said. “AI gave instant results. All he had to do was copy it. It was really good. In fact, you should let AI write your book proposal for you. You’d be done already.”
Quite frankly, I felt like my friend was diminishing the importance of the diligent work involved in developing and writing a book. Either that or she just doesn’t get me. But this person doesn’t read much, so she might just lack experience in recognizing really good writing. I get that. Thanks to Amazon making it easy for anyone to self-publish anything, the emphasis is often on stroking egos rather than practicing the writing craft to develop a piece of work that is worthy of being in the world forever.
I’m a cynic, so I didn’t have a lot of patience this week when three other people suggested I let ChatGPT write for me. All three had something they wanted me to help them accomplish. All three needed something that involved my comedy writing skills. They thought I was being snippy when I suggested they let ChatGPT write for them since I was busy writing for me and for you.
OK! I admit I was snippy. But, I just wanted to spend time working. I tried using ChatGPT once. Quite frankly, it doesn’t have a sense of humor, which doesn’t help a comedy writer. It also could use a good human ghostwriter because the writing was lame and boring.
Now don’t get me wrong. If you love ChatGPT, knock yourself out and use it daily. I can actually see it as useful for generating enough copy to trigger your imagination. I can understand using it as a tool. But I don’t know enough about ChatGPT to be anything but cautious.
I’ve been on a spiritual path for the past 10 years. I’m following a philosophy that focuses on the Law of Attraction - specifically if you can think it and believe it that you can bring it into being. I am currently wrestling with how ChatGPT fits into that because it involves letting a machine do my thinking for me if I actually let it write for me.
I don’t get to choose for you. So if you’re OK with giving your power to a machine, that’s perfectly fine. But letting a machine write for me takes all the fun out of the job. To me the real work is the effort to build a marketing platform. Writing isn’t really work for me. It’s art. Ideas and sentences just kind of flow out of me and always have.
It just seems to me that smart, amazing people don’t realize how brilliantly they are designed as spiritual beings in human form. They forget their direct connection to divinity.
But since people kept saying, “You really should use ChatGPT so you don’t have to write so much,” I asked ChatGPT about balancing spirituality with artificial intelligence. Here is what it wrote:
“AI is a tool that can be used for good or bad, depending on how it is used. It is up to us to decide how we want to use AI and what kind of world we want to create. There are many ways to prevent AI from being used for harmful purposes. One way is to regulate the use of AI and ensure that it is used in a responsible and ethical manner. Another way is to educate people about the potential dangers of AI and how to use it in a safe and responsible way.”
OK, so the concept has redeemed itself with that explanation. However, I’m still a skeptic because AI is not currently regulated. People, especially capitalists, aren’t always ethical. Quite frankly, I’m not sure how ethical it is for my friend to allow her son to have ChatGPT generate a report that the child copies and submits as original material. Let’s just teach your child that it’s OK to plagiarize - even if the work you’re stealing is produced by a machine. I’m not OK with that. But, it’s OK if you’re OK with it.
I also see AI spitting out more fake news - such as computer generated photos of Donald Trump allegedly being arrested when that just didn’t happen. The AI pics I saw on Facebook and Instagram looked pretty convincing.
So, I decided the best way for me to maintain a healthy mindset is to stop listening to other people praise AI and think for myself. I also decided to drag out some affirmations to remind me that the mind God gave me is just as good - if not better - than anything AI can generate. The main reason is I’m alive. I can feel. I have a soul. And so do you.
Therefore, I’m sharing those affirmations with you to remember that your heart and mind can write better than ChatGPT because you offer something a machine cannot recreate - you offer you.
10 Affirmations Reminding You That You Are Better Than AI
1. My work is worthy and welcome, and so am I.
2. My work is genius, and it attracts the right and perfect people who want to stand in truth their way.
3. My courage and integrity inspire others to be who they came to Earth to be.
4. I am too good to be through.
5. I am the perfect age to land a new job in a new way.
6. My message is valid and heard by ears that listen for truth.
7. It is my royal birthright as a child of the Universe to be healthy, happy and whole.
8. I am the Light that sees the light in everyone I encounter.
9. My fun is contagious and raises energetic vibrations.
10. I contribute joyously and uniquely to society, and my contributions are encouraged, valued and implemented for the greater good.